Make A Difference: Why Start A Neighborhood Scrap Metal Recycling Program

14 December 2022
 Categories: , Blog

If you follow your own recycling program, it's time to expand your efforts. It's time to take your efforts into your neighborhood. More and more communities are participating in neighborhood recycling programs. These programs go beyond the curbside recycling programs that most cities provide. These programs involve neighbors running their own recycling efforts. This includes recycling scrap metal. Not sure your neighborhood needs its own recycling program? Read the list provided below. Read More 

The Convenience Of Selling Scrap To An Aluminum Recycling Center

8 August 2022
 Categories: , Blog

During the course of projects your construction company undertakes, you and your workers may need to dispose of scrap metal like sheets of aluminum or aluminum containers. You may be unable to place these items in the regular garbage. You also might not want to leave them in piles to rust on the property where you are working. Instead, you want to use a more practical and environmentally friendly option to get rid of them. Read More 

4 Reasons Your Business Should Partner with a Commercial Paper Recycling Company

18 May 2022
 Categories: , Blog

Most businesses utilize a wide variety of papers for their day-to-day operations. Whether your company uses paper to print documents, make notes during meetings, or make business cards, you will likely generate tons of waste paper. So, have you considered paper recycling? If not, the following are some reasons your business should work with commercial paper recycling companies. 1. Preserve Natural Resources and Forests Paper is made from wood cut from forests. Read More